Christians ought to be speaking into the discourse.Here's my reasoning. I have shared that the entire discussion is taking place within an inaccurate metaphysic, that the universe is all there is, that there is no God. Those of us who know better ought to bring our perspective to bear on the issues. In particular, that the atmosphere and Earth are well-designed to maintain life-support temperatures has special importance to the problem, and research and solutions that take this into account are essential.
But also, I have shared that this is a justice issue, that billions of people stand to be affected by the decisions made and the solutions chosen. The potential for injustice is great, and those whose welfare is most likely to be overlooked are the world's poor and voiceless. As such, Christians need to be the ones to stand up for them, ensuring that they have a voice and that their vulnerability is not ignored in favor of the comfort of those in wealthy nations.
In turn, the reason Christians need to care that justice is done in this issue is quite simply because God cares and has always cared about justice. His heart is ever for the most vulnerable, and He has always demanded that His people care about justice. Through the prophet Micah, He proclaimed,
He has told you, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8).Likewise, Jesus cared about our response to the plight of the poor. In His 'Great Commission,' He tells His closest friends to make disciples in all the nations and to teach them to observe "all that I have commanded you." Interestingly, as recorded in Matthew's gospel, the last teaching that Jesus had given them was that the sheep would be separated from the goats (the ones to eternal life and the others to banishment) on the basis of whether they had fed the poor, clothed the needy, welcomed the stranger, cared for the sick, and visited the prisoner (Matthew 25:21-46).
As in Old Testament times, and as in Jesus' day, it is God's people who are expected to have a heart for the voiceless and to see justice done. For this reason, Christians of all professions--scientists, economists, politicians, statesmen--need to do their best to understand the complex issues surrounding anthropogenic global warming and speak into the weighty decisions that are being made.